It is April. Time for step 4!  Tomorrow’s blog will be just that.

Steps 4 through 9 are for changing the path we are on. Switching gears. Following credible research. Keeping our eye on the prize–educating all students to high standards and preparing them for life after K-12.

As the editors of Rethinking Special Education for a New Century  wrote, back in 2002,

“The choice confronting today’s policymakers is not whether to keep the program as it is or return to the pre-IDEA status quo.  Rather, the challenge is to modernize the program, building on what we’ve learned about both special education and education in general.”


Until tomorrow!

If you’re puzzled, join the crowd. This Bridging Differences piece includes  most interesting language used to describe our President’s speech.

The disconnect between our government’s policy and this speech about, in part, his own daughters in private schools–now what are teachers supposed to think and do?

We need clarity, not obfuscation.