NEW! New Regulation 34 CFR 300.160.In essence, it's a new development about accommodations! The Regulations now specify that accommodations on state or district tests need to lead to VALID results! On April 9, 2007, as you probably know, the US Department of Education issued NCLB and IDEA regulations dealing with assessments (both regular assessments and accommodations, and alternate and modified assessments). For those of us who believe in standards when testing and in valid [...]Past blog content from SchoolLaw
Sunday, April 15, 2007 Great news about Grades, Report Cards, etc...and the Law! Great news!My little book, Grades, Report Cards, etc...and the Law, has been adopted by the state of Colorado for all of high schools in the state. Each one received a copy! As well, each one received a copy of the 2-page update on cases and Department of Education guidance, which have developed since the book was first published two years ago. If you wish a copy of [...]Miriam quoted on Gerald Ford’s Special Ed legacy in Education Week
Miriam quoted on Gerald Ford's Special Ed legacy in Education Week. Click the link to read the PDF.Education Week: Special Education at 30
Education Week: Special Education at 30“Law, Health Policy& Disability Center cites SPEDCO’s Education Week”
Online newsletter from the University of Iowa, “Law, Health Policy& Disability Center cites SPEDCO’s Education Week" article about the 30th Anniversary of the nation’s special education law.“Some recipes for better schools” is published
Miriam’s Letter to the Editor of The New York Times is published. “Some recipes for better schools.” Check it out! quoted as expert in Boston Globe
Miriam quoted as expert in Boston Globe story about lawsuit against the Massachusetts testing program, the MCAS. Elevator Theory of Special Education
Yes, that far back! Check out the classic that started Miriam’s speaking career– the Education Week Commentary, “The Elevator Theory of Special Education.” It was punchy, controversial, and, alas, still rings true today. For years, it graced bulletin boards in schools around the country! Even now, people remember that [...]