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Special Education 2.0:
Breaking Taboos to Build a NEW Education Law
This courageous book breaks out of the special-education reform mold. Instead of merely recommending fixes and tweaks for the current system—that have been tried without success—it dares to propose an innovative, second generation law for all students, general and special education. Specifically, it proposes five Directions that create a dynamic blueprint for a new inclusive and optimistic law for all students.
Readers are invited to join in, open an honest national conversation without the taboos that thwart innovation–and think BIG, and dream aloud. Together, let us ask—WHAT IF?
The price for Special Education 2.0—Breaking Taboos to Build a NEW Education Law is $19.95.
In honor of the publication of this NEW book, all School Law Pro books are discounted to $19.95 each!
That’s a 20% discount from the original price of $25. Happy reading!
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