• Let us hope!

    (David Brooks on Race to the Top). Here's a straight up, not cynical view of RTTT. Let's hope David Brooks has it right. Does he?
  • Wishfully creating public policy.

    Now the gurus tell is that, alas after all, one size does fit all. How many of these folks are real teachers in real schools with real students? Wishful mandating and voila, all students will, can, and want to meet the same standards--including students with "even the most severe cognitive disabilities."=--according the the Common Core State Standards issued by CCSSO and NGA. Really? How can this be? And how can standards possibly remain high enough to be meaningful to all students. Am [...]
  • An inspiring 2+ minutes! Worth watching!

    Gateway Arts in Brookline, MA--a center for arts for people with mental challenges--where they feel useful, creative, and important. It focuses on what people can do--not their weaknesses. Just what we need also in special ed. Enjoy!! (Focusing on people's strengths, not weaknesses)
  • Newton Tab blog about FIXING SPECIAL EDUCATION!

    Interesting feedback...I am heartened that the conversation is happening. Several thoughtful comments so far. It would be interesting to hear from educators, as well as parents. Maybe they have time during this Memorial Day weekend... My goal in writing Fixing Special Education--12 Steps to Transform a Broken System is to encourage that national conversation. Let's talk! Let's act. Let's dare to create trust-based special education and education for all children. Check the blog [...]
  • The saddest article I’ve read in a long time…

    No more federal funds for the top half of the class! What type of public policy is that. One of the persons quoted in the article talks about the Race to the Top being the Race to the Bottom. Kinda sounds like that. SAD! BAD! EGADS! (End of federal funding for top students) ( AP and G&T stripped of federal dollars?!?!) Say it ain't so!
  • Multitasking–not advised!

    Multitasking--Another example of popular concepts that have no research support. This time, it's the belief that kids can multitask and not lose out. Well, psychologist Dan Willingham says they can't. An important read for parents and educators. (multitasking not advised for teens)
  • Newton Tab piece picked up by several blogs!

    Here's some: (Newton story about Fixing Special Education) (Teaching on edge) (Great blog by editor of Newton Tab) The power of the web to connect ideas and people is truly amazing.
  • Check out Wicked Local story on Fixing Special Education!

    here's a nice story. Enjoy! (Story about Miriam's book, Fixing Special Education in local paper)
  • Success story from Birmingham…

    (Mainstreamed student featured) Here's a story for reading pleasure of special education working well. Your thoughts?
  • Human-powered motivation at Maker Faire!

    Yesterday was the Maker Faire in San Mateo, California--inventors of all types were featured there. (human powered stage at Maker Faire). One was my son's human powered stage at (Rock The Bike), powered by people sitting on stationary bikes to harness energy to power up the music and lights for the singers and performers on that human-powered stage! Awesome... So interesting to me was watching little children (age 8? 9? 10?) who clamored to get on those bikes and power them. All day long, [...]