Thank you, Fordham for this study. It’s about time. In our national effort to ‘close the gap’ of various groups needing to function at least at the average level, have we forgotten about our top students– who already function above the average? I believe we have. Our efforts, funds, and focus are just not there.
Two examples. NCLB focuses on the students who are not yet reading, writing, and doing math and science at grade level. It does NOT focus on students who are already there, called ‘high flyers’ in this study. Special education, as well, focuses on children who remain below academic and other standards. The NCLB and IDEA are where our moneys and focus have been for the past many years–not on the ‘high flyers.’
A 2004 study pointed out one statistic that has stuck with me: we spend 143 times as much on special education as we do on gifted and talented students–and that was BEFORE NCLB’s requirements! Has there been an update of that study?
For America’s future, we should finally focus on ALL students: the top, middle, and bottom. Hopefully, this study will help us on our way. It is more than time.
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