In this PANDEMIC, let’s be honest — sometimes ART can bring a smile to our faces. How about, medicine bottle art! I hope it brings you a smile!

During this pandemic, we need to be creative! Alas, during this pandemic, we also accumulate many medicine bottles — both at home and among my friends and colleagues. Since I like to “make lemonade out of lemons”, I set out to create Medicine Bottle COVID Art! Walks on the beach in Half Moon Bay give me the shells — whole and broken, driftwood, and the silver dollars you see in these pieces. And walks on the streets give me nuts and bolts and assorted treasures. Check them out in these Medicine Bottle COVID Art pieces.

I’d love to hear what you think of them.

— Pandemic Seascape — inspired by Half Moon Bay

— “To your health” vase with sea shells

— Hawaiian Sun Rays Frame

— Menorah for the age of COVID

Check out those eashells and bolts…collected on my walks on the beach and in town.

— Lovely orange vase # 1 with seashells on driftwood

More to come….

— Mirror with palms that hangs in our bathroom

— Time to climb Health Mountain — time to climb!

Don’t you love that beautiful blue bottle!

— Orange vase # 2 on beach driftwood

— Welcome to the City of Health

— Relaxing in The City of Health (close-up)

Our friend Dave Wilson took many of these photos. Thanks, Dave! Much appreciated.

Enjoy! I hope they bring a smile to your face.


This was originally posted on Medium

On March 19 — at the start of this corona virus pandemic which seems lightyears ago — I published a few of my medicine bottle art items — hoping they’ll bring a smile to your face. People liked them! So here are a few more.

— Hawaiian Sun Rays

— A menorah for COVID days

A lovely vase with seashells on driftwood

Palms with mirror….

— And finally, it’s time to Climb Health Mountain!

Are you smiling yet? I hope so!

Here are the photos sent in March….Our friend Dave Wilson took many of these photos. Thanks, Dave! Much appreciated.

This was originally posted on Medium

There’s no doubt. We’re all going through tough times across our country and world. Of course we’ll get through it — but it’s tough going. And while we’re going through it, what do people do? — cooped up at home. Puzzles? Write a book? Clean a closet? Contact friends and family on Skype or ZOOM. All good ideas.

Here’s my partial solution. Art! And, I dare say, I hope it brings a smile to your face. IF these pieces do that, they’ve done their job.

Yes, medicine bottle art! In my home these days, there are so many bottles — of all sizes, colors, and shapes. And my friends contribute theirs. I have lots of empty (and pretty, as I see it) medicine bottles. And here’s some of what I’ve done with them.

Here’s a vase in both the regular colors with those orange medicine bottles and in black and white. And, here’s the “Welcome to the City of Health,” and a close up of the people sitting in the park in the City of Health! Wish we could do that these days.

Our friend Dave Wilson took the photos. Thanks, Dave! Much appreciated.

Medicine bottles on driftwood
The closeup — relaxing at the park in the City of Health!

Enjoy them. And I do hope they brings a smile to your face! I have lots more and will share them in a future post.

We’ll get through this. Let’s also get creative! And keep on smiling.

This was originally posted on Medium