Who benefits from these laws–the Common Core related testing, which is supposed to be implemented this spring, and special education. I’m sure you can add many other laws that are presumably about schools and students but have huge unintended (or was it intended?) beneficiaries.
Without getting into the pros and cons of any specific law, we can all agree that it is intended to improve the education for students. Undoubtedly, the stated mission. And surely, many students do benefit, BUT!
In my concerned–and cynical–moments, I see that two other groups benefit hugely!
About the Common Core tests, technology companies are now selling computers to ALL schools for these tests–whether the Partnership for Assessment Readiness for College or Career (PARCC) or Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) or other tests.
About the special education law, that’s been around since 1975, lawyers (yes, like me) and others have created careers (and a huge cottage industry) around that law–with all its reauthorizations and parallel state laws.
Is this what we really want for our schools? Where are the students in these calculations?
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