Fascinating stuff–more students are “encouraged” or pushed to take AP courses and tests. The AP, you may recall was originally designed for advanced students. No more.Now, many more students take the classes and few get “passing scores” of 3,4, or 5–that provide them with college credit. There are some anecdotal stories of great success–and many situations that are not so inspiring…..

The tests (next year test fee will be $94! Tests and courses are costly and are paid to the College Board.

Two statistics stood out for me.

In one school, 76% of students received a diploma while only 1% of them were at grade level in math and 4% in language arts. How does that work?

The College Board’s earnings from the AP have boosted its bottom line. In 2015, of its $916 million in revenue, $408 came from the AP.

Who benefits. What is the purpose here? Is this the best way to raise expectations and improve student outcomes? You decide.

About Miriam

Miriam Kurtzig Freedman, JD, MA—an expert in public education, focused on special education law— is a lawyer, author, speaker, consultant, and reformer. For more than 35 years, Miriam worked with educators, parents, policy makers, and citizens to translate complex legalese into plain English and focus on good practices for children. Now, she focuses her passion on reforming special education, with her new book, Special Education 2.0—Breaking Taboos to Build a NEW Education Law. Presentations include those at the AASA Conference, Orange County (CA), Boston College (MA), CADRE (OR), and the Fordham Institute (DC). Her writings have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Education Week, Education Next, Hoover Digest, The University of Chicago Law Review on line, DianeRavitch.net, and The Atlantic Monthly on line.

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