Several years ago, when I took the “T” (Boston’s subway system) on a crowded afternoon, I saw the token guy standing near the turn style with a basket. He said, in a rather loud and friendly voice,
“If you have exact change, put it in here. Don’t give it to me or I’ll go to jail. I you have exact change, put it in here. Don’t give it to me or I’ll go to jail. If you have exact change, put it in here……”
Wow. What excellent in-service training.
His job was to help the public. He did.
His job was to move people quickly. He did.
His job was not to take the public’s money in the wrong way. He did.
And he added a lovely twist–humor! Going beyond his job and lightening the spirit of those who heard him.
I, for one, have not forgotten that mantra, “If you have exact change, put it in here. Don’t give it to me or I’ll go to jail.”
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