Now the College Board tells us what we instinctively kinda, sorta knew already–the US lags in college graduation rates–when compared to other countries. We used to be the world leader in education. And, we all know that education is key to our continued growth and success in the coming years. So this is a worrisome report. (US, once leader, now lags in college graduation).
What to do? Some say, OK–leave it. We don’t need to be # 1 forever. I don’t agree. I believe we need to make our best efforts and reboot–start at the K-12 levels. The fact that our schools are struggling runs up the ladder to colleges and beyond. Education continues to be a political football. In the meantime, our students do not thrive. We need to get back to those early grades. More focused on teaching the basics. More focused on teaching creativity and wonder. Less focused, in my view, on technology and gee-whiz stuff.
This all matters a lot to our country.
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